The Unlimited Voice# 2

The Unlimited Voice# 2
By: Bobby Sullivan

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaimfreedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.  Luke 4:18

God is looking for a voice! A voice that would decree and declare the goodness of God and one that will go forth and prepare the way. You can be His mouthpiece in a land in desperate need for a revelation of WHO HE IS.


Think of what Jeremiah accomplished after he became God’s mouthpiece. He was called to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant (Jeremiah 1:9-10). That’s a powerful calling.

We need the Lord to touch our lips and put His Words in our mouth. So often we can have negative words flowing from our mouths rather than positive words that confess God’s truth. But God’s Spirit wants to flow through us as rivers of living water (John 7:38). If ever there was a need for being God’s voice on earth, it is now. God’s voice is powerful and accomplishes great things.


Genesis 1:1-3 ….Then God said, “Let there be light; and there was light” Nothing was created until something was said.

No one will Know Jesus until someone says something.

And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left. Isaiah 30:21

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. Luke 6:45 

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29

My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long. Psalms 71:8 

Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Psalms 105:1

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9


God released His voice and His voiced created reality.

What are you creating through your voice?

1. Your voice brings back life:
Ezekiel 37:3-7   ….say to the dead bones…    God is looking for a vessel to fill with HIS power. A voice filled with the Power of the Holy Spirit.
This fascinating prophecy of dry bones in Ezekiel has something for every-body!

Preaching to dry bones would seem like a waste of time. A skeleton just isn’t listening! But we sometimes forget the incredible piercing power of God’s Word. If God can speak matter into existence with just a word and if He can make a man out of clay or a woman out of a rib, then it stands to reason that He can also cause the spiritually dead to hear. God’s Word is so potent and so powerful that it infuses new life into that which appears dead.

Whenever the Lord speaks, things happen. The Bible tells us that when Christ said to the leper, Be cleansed, he was immediately clean (Mark 1:40-42). When Jesus said Get up and walk to a man who had not walked in 38 years, the man walked (John 5:5-9). There is always perpetual power in the Word of God to enable us to do whatever He commands.

Life in the Bones
In Ezekiel 37:5, God says, “Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live.”

Bones are almost always associated with death, yet Scripture tells one story in which bones were a source of life. In 2 Kings 13:20-21 we find that Elisha the prophet, who was filled with a double portion of Elijah’s spirit, was so Spirit-filled that his bones radiated life even after he was dead!

The Bible says that after Elisha died and was buried, some men in Israel were performing a funeral ceremony for one of their friends. As they were carrying his remains out to bury him, they caught a glimpse of Moabite raiders on horseback. These land pirates had been ransacking the countryside, and the Israelite men knew that they needed to get out of there fast or they’d be the next victims. They didn’t want to be disrespectful toward the friend they were burying, but they had to run for their lives. So the Bible says that “they cast the man into the grave of Elisha:and when the man was let down, and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived, and stood up on his feet” (verse 21).

Ezekiel 37:10 says, “So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army.”

God gives them life to fight. They become an army. In the same way, God gives us spiritual life so we can become soldiers in His army. We come to the Lord, He breathes into us the breath of life, then we go for the Lord.

Zechariah 4:6 describes the battle plan: “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.”

Ezekiel 37:1-14is a vision of hope. It’s a wonderful message that God’s Word and His Spirit can bring life to any situation and to any soul-no matter how utterly dead and hopeless it might be.

Perhaps you remember the story where the dry, dead rod of Aaron came to life. After being placed in the ark of God overnight, it budded, flowered, and produced almonds (Numbers 17:8)! If God can make an old stick fruitful in His presence, He can do the same for us.

Opinions do not change the word!

“Live your life in such a way that it demands an explanation” Live your life in such a way that when you speak, people cant help but to STOP dead I their tracks. Listen, respond and change.

God placed the Prophet Ezekiel in the middle of death itself. IT was a desperate desolate valley of death and decay. Gods plan was to use someone to bring resurrection life out of a destitute situation.

The word say in verse 4 (say to them) is the Hebrew word (amar). It is the same word that God used in Genesis 1 when HE spoke creation into reality. The word prophesy is the Hebrew word (NABA), and it means to be under the influence of the Devine.

IT means this….Ezekiel. Bob, Mary, Joe “I am going to come upon you with my devine Spirit, with the Spirit of prophesy, it is the same Spirit that created the Heavens and the earth. I want you to speak life into decay and when you do this a vast army will arise.

THERE IS POWER IN THE VOICE!  Your Voice has unlimited potential!

2. Your voice prepares the way:
Matthew 3:3 talks about John the Baptist declaring he was “The voice of one crying in the wilderness; Prepare the way of the Lord.

What is unique about this verse it describes him as being a voice not just having a voice.

When the supernatural comes in the natural you begin to do the supernatural naturally.

The most powerful created tool in the universe is a voice filled with authority from God. When you prophesy to someone you are under the influence of the divine anointing of God Himself. You are paving the way. Hebrews 11:3 says through faith the worlds were framed by the word of God…

Worlds (Aionos) “specific allotted periods of time within history of mankind” decades, generations, centuries and millenniums.

Through faith we understand that different decades, generations, centuries and millenniums within the past history of mankind have been framed by the word (voice) of God.

FRAMED (Katartidzo) “To take an already existing thing and change or alter its outward form and shape”
Recreating, reshaping, remolding, the altering of something that is already in existence.
Through faith we understand that different periods, decades, centuries, millenniums and generations within the past history of mankind have been completely altered, remolded, reshaped, recreated by the Word (voice) of the Lord.

But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken.
Matthew 12:36 

“Our words, when inspired by the Spirit of God have the power to create structures in the spirit realm. What we see in the physical realm hangs upon that framing.” Faytene Grasseschi

Voice (phone) –a sound or uttered words
Crying (Boao) To raise a cry, speak with a high and strong voice, or to implore

Edmund Burke “All that is necessary to evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.”

With this in mind maybe it would sound like, “All that is necessary for evil to grow is for the righteous to keep their mouths shut.”

3. Your voice creates change
Fear is one thing that God never gave but one thing He can take away. We are a species driven by fear, attracted to fear and sometimes motivated by fear. We spend millions of dollars a year attending movies that scare us to tears, drive our heart rates up and send us into virtual paranoia. Fear is the polar opposite of faith and originates from two different authors.

“Neuromarketing,” a term coined by market research professor Ale Smidt’s in 2002. According to Wikipedia’s description of neuromarketing, researchers use technologies such as functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure changes in activity in parts of the brain, to learn why consumers make the decisions they do, and what part of the brain is telling them to do it.
You see, one of the basic instincts of human beings is to survive. Therefore, fear relates to our survival. That’s why reality shows such as “survival” and “lost” are so magnetic to our senses. We all have an element of survival in us while feeling lost in an ever-changing world around us.

Fear of the unknown, finances, schooling, future, Do I have enough to eat? Will I have enough money when I retire? Is this world really safe? will have enough money to make ends meet? DO I have what it takes to…BECOME_____ All are questions that are swirling in our head like a whirlpool at Niagara Falls.

Point is that it is OK to be afraid of being wrong. Your responsible to open your mouth, God is responsible for what comes out!!!

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor, anti-Nazi dissident (he died in a German concentration camp) and author of The Cost of Discipleship poignantly stated, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak, is to speak. Not to act, is to act.” The great reformer and civil rights leader Marin Luther King, Jr. said, “To ignore evil is to become accomplice to it.”

The prophet Ezekiel was told, “When I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you will surely die,’ and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require from your hand” (Ezekiel 33:8 NASB). We, the church, are God’s voice in the earth and we must speak.

We must speak life over ourselves as well.

One of the best ways to break free from such strongholds is simply by speaking words of victory. Every day, look in the mirror and declare, “God’s Word says I am strong. God is fighting my battles for me. I’m excited about my future.”

Maybe you are lonely because you don’t have a lot of friends. Instead of complaining, start declaring, “God is bringing great people into my life. I know He loves me, so I can risk loving others.”

Speak blessings over your life, and as you do, you’ll go out with more confidence, you’ll be more congenial and, in turn, you will attract new friends.

When discouragement comes, instead of sitting back and accepting it, say, “No, I’m a victor and not a victim. I may have been defeated before, but the past is the past. This is a new day.”

It’s not enough just to think it; you need to hear it, because what we constantly hear ourselves saying we will eventually believe.

Learn to declare victory over yourself daily!

“I DECLARE I am special and extraordinary. I am not average! I have been custom-made. I am one of a kind. Of all the things God created, what He is the most proud of is me. I am His masterpiece, his most prized possession. I will keep my head held high, knowing I am a child of the most high God, made in his very image. This is my declaration.” “I will not talk to God about how big my problems are. I will talk to my problems about how big my God is.

“I DECLARE a legacy of faith over my life. I declare that I will store up blessings for future generations. My life is marked by excellence and integrity. Because I’m making right choices and taking steps of faith, others will want to follow me. God’s abundance is surrounding my life today.

Don’t use your words to
describe the situation. Use your words to change the situation.”

I believe we were created to thrive and not just survive. We have been impregnated in the womb of our expectancy with faith, hope, innovation, creativity, ingenuity, entrepreneurship and the list goes on.  We are what are dream is!  We are what God says we are to be. IN HIM is the unlimited life!   IN HIM is the untapped potential to rewrite your story! IN HIM, BY HIM and FROM HIM are the gifts to transform you into a super human with super natural “natural “abilities.

Don’t live your life by excuses, the approval of others, and the opinions of others. You live your life by the spoken word that will ignite and resurrect your past, present and future.

The problem is someone or something has aborted our dreams. Stolen from the bank accounts of our mind. Stripped us from the vast supernatural resources that are hidden within us.
Within every one of you there is gold yet to be mined. Treasures, yet to be found. Ideas, yet to be discovered.

In Japanese, the word for crisis has a two-fold meaning: one definition is danger, the other definition is opportunity. Those that have eyes to see beyond the turmoil in the world and make a step in a positive direction will enter into a world of limitless possibilities.

“Creativity and innovation, unlike anything we’ve ever seen, is about to enter into the world stage of politics, technology, business, entertainment, and every social arena of life.” Very few have yet to accept the corporate merger of Heaven invading your mind. We are all candidates for the renewing of the mind. Why because it will cost us something…..The problem is not the willingness to receive. The problem is the activation of the gift. It may require effort, work, time, sacrifice all of which attacks our entitlement mentality in North America.

If you’re broke, you have settled. If you’re poor in spirit, you have settled. If you’re whining and not winning, you have settled. If you’re complaining and not conquering, you have settled.

We need a check up from the neck up!!

Jodi Hanson says, “Change is going to happen at the speed of thought.”

Did you catch that? Be the change you wish to see.

Worry is the darkroom where negatives are developed. Don’t worry about what other people are doing, where they are going, what they are saying. Your reputation as aproblem solver and as life changer will follow you. If your heart and intentions are right, you will never have to defend yourself or explain yourself. If you retreat to defending yourself, it opens up more doubt as to “WHY?”

Go build yourself! Go embrace yourself. STOP! What you’re doing and give yourself a giant HUG!! Look in the mirror and thank God for who you are. Tell yourself that you are awesome! Build yourself up while others try and tear you down. Ask God to reveal those hidden treasure, ideas and concepts. Expect to expect the unexpected.
Call forth creativity, prosperity, innovation and dreams to flow out of you like a mighty rushing river from a Spring time thaw. Detoxify your mind from every influence that will attempt to pollute it. Feed your faith! Expand your horizons!

GO BECOME YOUR DREAM!!! Make your Mark…BE the voice!

God wants you! And God wants to use you, coach you, mentor you to be the Unlimited Voice! 

God is about to Release the rest. Get the 23rd Psalm and stand up and declare: “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want!”

The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up” Paul Valery

“A coach is someone who tells what you don’t want to hear, has you look at what you don’t want to see, so you can be the person who you’ve always wanted to be.”  Tom Landry 


In that day you will say: “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.” Isaiah 12:4

The unlimited Voice# 2, notes to print, PDF

The Unlimited Voice# 2, PowerPoint Slides, PDF

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