MOVE Series# 2, The Great Pretenders

MOVE Series# 2, The Great Pretenders
By: Bobby Sullivan

Quote of the week “Pretenders masquerade themselves as something they only wish they could be. Therefore they act out a roll before a crowd simply for applause and recognition.” PBS

John the Baptist says in  Mark 1:15 The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” Change your mind and believe! 

How refreshing it was for everyone, Mark 1:27 (Message)  Whats going on here? A new teaching that does what it says? 

BRIEF RECAP:  His message was the good news of the Kingdom of God. Do you know what He was talking about? This Kingdom is the focus of Jesus’ message, yet it has often been misunderstood or even ignored.

Here’s another shocking thought that may surprise you: The major subject of Jesus’ preaching was not about going to heaven at death. Imagine that! He taught that you won’t go to live in heaven when you die, but instead that you will be resurrected in the future and that heaven is coming to earth. The heart and core of His teaching was the Kingdom of God, and the good news—the gospel—is that the Kingdom of God would be established right here on earth.

Jesus begins to demonstrate His Kingdom.

Mark Chapter 2:1-2 A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. They gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them.

The word makes room when there is none.

Welsh Revival: Room was so full that Even Roberts had to walk on the shoulders of people to get the front.

4 things I see in Mark 2: Forgiveness, Faith, Fulfillment, Freedom

  • There’s Forgiveness and faith
    Mark 2:5 Son, your sins are forgiven you.” JESUS SAID, SON….It was a word of endearment. He never earned it or deserved it. The title was inherited. He was an object of affection

  Forgiveness is a gift from God … you just accept it!!!  Jesus saw their faith!

Write this down, “Faith is meant to be more than a formality, Faith is meant to be more than a feeling and faith is meant to be more than a formula!” in fact if you can reduce it to a formula it is not faith. It’s a flop and has no function.

Forgiveness followed Faith!! It was the faith of the 4 that dropped the cripple to the floor. 

Note: I wonder if Jesus perceived that cripple felt like a sinner from his peers because of his physical condition?

Can you hear his friends from the roof? NO! He doesn’t need forgiveness! He needs to be fixed!

*Jesus first spoke to this man’s greatest need*

Like this man, you can have a sin problem and not be aware of it because you’re focused on getting the outside of you together. Jesus the great physician says, I got you covered but let’s first deal with this issue.

However, the paralyzed man saw Jesus one way and the Pharisees saw him another way.


QUOTE 1 “A Pharisee is hard on others and easy on himself, but a spiritual man is easy on others and hard on himself.”


The pharisees were religious zealots ramming the law down people’s throats. The people were choking on all the rules and regulations.

A personal call to the Kingdom

Some have reasoned that since we’re to have Jesus in our hearts, then the Kingdom of God also exists only in people’s hearts as well. A confrontation Jesus had with some of the Pharisees has been used to promote this misguided idea.

But let’s read it carefully: “Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, ‘The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, “See here!” or “See there!” For indeed, the Kingdom of God is within you’” (Luke 17:20-21).

They were religious teachers of the day who generally opposed Jesus and were often portrayed as His enemies. So what can we conclude? Christ was definitely not saying that the Kingdom of God was in them!

What was He saying, then? The Greek phrase entos humon, translated “within you,” would be more accurately translated “in your midst” (Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, 1985, “Within”)

What Jesus was telling them was that as the King of the Kingdom of God, He was right there in their midst expounding His message and doing the work of the Kingdom. But what did they do? They rejected Him and despised His gospel of the Kingdom. They outright rejected Him and His return as King!

Pharisee :– “separated one.”  Governing social and political party that came into power after the return from captivity in foreign nations. They Opposed the ministry of Jesus.  They felt that if we went into captivity because we didn’t obey the law, then we will make for sure we don’t make that same mistake again. Let’s build a firewall of rules around the law so we won’t even get close to breaking the law.

Pharisees … although they were well meaning people, they didn’t really care about people… … their love for scripture was to be honored. They protected the law by instituting rules around rules. They were so protective that they were over protective. 

Francis Chan said, “If God cared only about religious activities, then the Pharisees would have been heroes of the faith.”

They were upright in the eyes of their peers … the earliest memories (2 years) they would have licked honey off the scrolls to show they had a hunger and appetite for the Torah … at 4 he would have memorize Leviticus … @ 12 yrs old  Genesis to Deuteronomy memorized … on and on … they were tested by the chief priest regulary. They  loved the word yoked to the law … it permeated every aspect of life … prayer times … not in private … fasted twice a week … tithed on everything … separated to God’s law and God’s people … added more laws to keep you from disobeying the law … argued about how to do it better … they sought to bring more people under the law … great evangelists  ….  

That’s why JESUS argued with them because they were yoked to the Law and he was yoked to love.

Read the menu … memorize menu … describe the lamb chop … sing about the cheesecake …  but never engage the chef  or personally ORDER SOMETHING … Taste and see the Lord is Good!!! 

BUT …  They took the separation seriously and they constantly judged people for their behaviour.

They called people sinners … Jesus never called people sinners … He called people lost … have you ever lost something!!!   He considered us helpless and harassed sheep without a shepherd. 

TOZER SAID, A Pharisee is hard on others and easy on himself, but a spiritual man is easy on others and hard on himself.” 

Mark 2 vs 6 Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, “Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?”

They were checking Jesus out to see if he measured up to the law and seeing if he lined up. They knew that God could forgive sins, yet who is this Jesus guy?

We can forgive each other from an offense but only God can forgive of a sin.

Note: Compensating Good works doesn’t take away sin. (You get pulled over for speeding. Try telling the office all the times you didn’t speed!)

Wishful thinking doesn’t forgive our sins.  Good intentions don’t forgive our sins. Time doesn’t forgive our sins. Forgetfulness doesn’t forgive our sins. Success doesn’t take away our sins. 

2.) There’s Fulfillment: Mark 2:vs 8

Immediately Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts, and he said to them, “Why are you thinking these things? Which is easier: to say to this paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk’?

Spiritually it is easier to heal the man then forgive.  Forgiveness can’t be seen by the human eye! The effects of forgiveness can be seen. Nobody could see if his sins were forgiven!

 But they could see if he could walk or not.
Came to call sinners not call the religious
Came to bring joy not sadness   Came to bring the new, not patch up the old. New covenant, new clothes, new outlook, new perspective.

He makes a declaration that stirred up the Pharisees even more!

10 But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the man, 11 “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.”

HE SAID, I AM GOD!!!   How could he make that claim? He paid the price for the title.      Forgiveness is FREE but it’s not cheap.

3.) There’s Freedom;

Deliverance from religious tyranny      Deliverance from demonic oppression

The only people that have a relationship with Jesus are redeemed ones who embraced His righteousness not rule keepers. You’re justified by his grace not your ability to prove your holiness by acts of righteousness. 

Your response is THANK YOU !   Not, what else do I tick off on my bucket list to salvation. 

Mark 2:12 “ Immediately,  the man sprang up to his feet in front of everyone and left for home. When the crowds witnessed this miracle, they were awestruck.  (The Greek word can also mean, ‘shocked into wonderment’ or to be out of their minds).

A Godly encounter will move you to action.  Stationary Saints will question your sincerity.

Matthew 5:20 “For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” 

Law leads to one of two things:     1. Defeat — If youre honest     2. Hypocrisy — If youre not
The law cannot free you from your relational disfunction.  The law only points you to your need for a Saviour.   It is all Him and it continues to be all him

— Galatians 3:2-3 “ This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? 3 Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?”

John 5:46 “For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me.”  They were experts in the Law but did not recognize Jesus … in fact they hated Jesus … He enraged them .

If the word takes you or directs you anywhere but to Jesus then you’re reading the wrong book!!. Everything steers you into the direction of Jesus.

Mark 8:15  Then He charged them, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees.” He didn’t say beware of a lot of people but beware,  be careful that the leaven of the Pharisees doesn’t impact your life.

Luke 12:1 Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.”
hypocrisy :— feign, pretend, to play a part.  No real, authentic internal personal formation, Performance religion.

Don’t stay away from the messed up people … stay away from the ones who say and pretend they are not!!! 

Craig Groschel “ The things closest to the heart of God are often the most offensive to the Pharisees.”

Facebook is the breeding ground for Hypocrisy … Always my highlight reel when actually I’m a broken mess inside. 

The mirrors at the Gym … so I can look at how awesome I am … The gym wanted to hire me to come just hang around … so people could look at me and say wow … I’m doing good compared to him!!! 

Jesus said WOE (Cursed are the people who pretend life is okay!!!!)

Mark 3:1-6 And He entered the synagogue again, and a man was there who had a withered hand.  So they watched Him closely, whether He would heal him on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse Him.” 

They made so many extra laws … added so many added traditions … extra firewall to keep us from breaking God’s law.
two times you could heal on the sabbath …
imminent death
questionable condition … may lead to death … assist in child birth
If a wall fell on you they could remove rocks to see if alive … may or may not treat … you can keep am injury from getting worse but not make better

And He said to the man who had the withered hand, Step forward.’ Then He said to them, Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?
But they kept silent.  And when He had looked around at them with anger, being grieved by the hardness of their hearts, He said to the man, 
Stretch out your hand.
And he stretched it out, and his hand was restored as whole as the other. Then the Pharisees went out and immediately plotted with the Herodians against Him, how they might destroy Him.”

We have got to get rid of the Performance of the Pharisees

1 John 4:8  “He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.”

God doesn’t have love he is love.    He doesn’t have a bucket of water He is water. 

The righteousness and holiness He demands is provided by Him … he saves you and no one can change it!   The only way to God is God … we reject the way back to God and replace it with biblical performance

Frank Powell is lead writer and editor for the blog at Bayside Church in Granite Bay, California. He wrote 12 signs you’re a modern day Pharisee. I will use 10

1. You believe showing up for worship every Sunday makes you right with God.

Modern-day Pharisees try to measure everything. They must have metrics and barometers. Something to measure their righteousness. Anything to give them some security with God. For modern-day Pharisees, Christian living is not so much about transforming into the image of God. It is more about living up to the standard of God. And no one can live up to God’s standard—except Jesus

2. You spend more time talking about what you are against, not what you are for.

Pharisees love to argue. They love to spend their time convincing others that they are wrong. If they had to list the actions and issues they are against, the pencil would run out of lead. But turn around and ask them to list what they are for, and the pencil would not even have to be resharpened.

Pharisees believe their job is to defend God and legislate morality. So they are against drinking, smoking, cursing, short skirts, talking back to parents, holding hands before marriage and so on. And all of these things come before the gospel. Or maybe they are the gospel. Modern-day Pharisees can’t tell the difference.

3. You don’t repent of sin because you believe you don’t have any “serious” sin to repent of.

Remember that time the modern-day Pharisees repented of sin in their life? Oh wait, they never have. They don’t have any serious sin to repent of. Pharisees have a reputation and status to maintain. Repentance involves vulnerability and weakness. Pharisees don’t show weakness.

4. You condone in secret what you preach against in public.

If someone were to preach on the evils of sexual sin, a modern-day Pharisee would nod his or her head in agreement. “Yeah, that’s right, Preacher. Preach on!” But on Sunday night, they plop down in the recliner and find humor from a movie or TV show that glamorizes the very thing they just agreed was wrong.

This is the real issue with modern-day Pharisees. They love to put on a show when the lights are on. They want people to think they are righteous. But Jesus does not inform the rest of their lives.

After all, they went to church and small group. The checklist is complete.

5. Your salvation is based on your works, not on Jesus.

Modern-day Pharisees believe in their works. That’s why they love James 2:14-26. But they skirt around the passages about grace. They believe Jesus died on the cross for their sins, but they turn around and mock the cross by trying to earn their salvation.

6. You read the Bible to substantiate your convictions, not to be shaped into God’s image.

During the time of Jesus, no one knew more Scripture than the Pharisees. They studied the Scriptures relentlessly.

Modern-day Pharisees do the same. But they turn around and use the knowledge to convince others why they are wrong. The Bible is their personal weapon. Modern-day Pharisees use it to throw rocks at all the misguided, evil sinners in the world.

To modern-day Pharisees, the Bible is not a means to grow into the image of God. It is a means to convince the world of fallacies and misguided theology.

7. You believe church outsiders should conform to a certain lifestyle before they are accepted as “Christian.”

This is a Pharisee trademark. Before non-Christians can be considered “part of the group,” they must conform to a certain lifestyle. Stop all of the cursing and drinking. And stop doing all the stuff “bad people” do.

Once potential Christians “fix their lives,” modern-day Pharisees gladly welcome these people into their family. Just don’t revert back to “sinning” again. Membership in the group is always conditional.

Instead of meeting people where they are, modern-day Pharisees force people to come up to their level. And until these people live up to the standard, they will be on the outside looking in.

8. You don’t know the difference between a convert and a transfer.

Modern-day Pharisees get just as excited when someone joins their church as they do when someone joins the kingdom of God. In fact, they don’t see much distinction between the two. They celebrate a baptism the same way they celebrate a family moving from the church across the street.

This is why no real desire for the lost exists. The church is adding “members.” But they are being added to the directory of the local church, not the directory of the kingdom. Modern-day Pharisees don’t care, as long as the “church” is adding people.

9. All of your Christian friends look and act just like you do.

Pharisees are exclusive. They pick and choose who enters the group. But Jesus never valued exclusivity. Just look at his chosen twelve: a tax collector (Matthew), a doctor (Luke), fishermen (Peter and Andrew), a Zealot (Simon). That’s a conglomerate of guys from many different backgrounds.

10. If someone tries to rebuke you, you get angry and offended.

When Jesus called out their sins, the Pharisees crucified him. Modern-day Pharisees see any rebuke as a personal attack. They immediately go on the defensive. Some get angry and storm off. Others proceed to make a list of sins of the person rebuking them.

Regardless, modern-day Pharisees refuse to have a heart receptive to rebuke. It undermines their external righteousness. And it undermines the lie that they are perfect.

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