Are there things we are doing now to prepare us for what is next?
I refuse to live my life based on good intentions. If we are Kingdom
people, we need a Kingdom mindset.
“What happened as a result of the Resurrection is unprecedented in human
history. In the span of a few hundred years, a small band of seemingly
insignificant believers succeeded in turning an entire empire upside down.
As has been well said, ‘They faced the tyrant’s brandished steel, the lion’s
gory mane, and the fires of a thousand deaths,’ because they were utterly
convinced that they, like their Master, would one day rise from the grave in
glorified, resurrected bodies.”—Hank Hanegraaff

One of my favorite 3 rd day Kingdom Realities is:
The name Esther means “something hidden” and this is a good
description of the book of Esther, because there is much that is
hidden in the book. But the biggest piece of hidden information is
God. He is not mentioned once in the book, but He is behind
nearly every sentence. He is the man behind the curtain in the
wizard of Oz. He is the secret agent working undercover. This
book is riddled with behind the scenes miracles that resemble
resurrection realities.

Esther 5:1-3 On the third day Esther put on her royal
robes and stood in the inner court of the palace, in front of
the king’s hall. The king was sitting on his royal throne in the
hall, facing the entrance.  2  When he saw Queen Esther
standing in the court, he was pleased with her (found favor)
and held out to her the gold scepter that was in his hand. So,
Esther approached and touched the tip of the scepter.


3  Then the king asked, “What is it, Queen Esther? What is your
request? Even up to half the kingdom, it will be given you.”
It did not really mean that someone could have half the kingdom if
they wanted it. It was a way of saying that the king was generous
and any request within the king’s power would be granted.

Patience Positions you to Possess Your Promise
Patience is a Virtue.
Esther prepared herself to enter into the presence of the King,
Without an invitation she could have been killed. It tells me she
did not rush into things without counting the cost.
A Plan was put in place because of patience.
Courage is the ability to accept the future through actions that you
take today. It is about taking your life into your own hands, about
making decisions and acting on them, as well as taking
responsibility for your choices.

Luke 12:32 “ Do not fear little flock, for it is your father’s good
pleasure to give you the kingdom.”
It is His pleasure to bridge all his goodness through you and to
you. If we would grasp this promise, we would live our lives in a
way that demands an explanation. He is going to bring his
kingdom in expression through you.
He has given us all the resources for restoration. Reformation
begins at the point of your revelation.

Do I know who lives in me? You are more than potential! You are
possessed with the presence of Almighty God!!!

If you are not ready to possess, get ready to be run over by those
who are. You will never possess or occupy by being passive.
You will never possess what you are willing to pass up
You will never possess what you are not willing to pursue


Sometimes you Go Privately: You don’t always have to
announce your arrival!
Why a country would announce on CNN plans to invade
another country is beyond me.
Whatever happened to the element of surprise?
Joshua 2 ‘Go, view the land, especially Jericho.’ So they went,
and came to the house of a harlot named Rahab, and lodged
there…. “I know that the Lord has given you the land, that the
terror of you has fallen on us,…”
Question” Why did they lodge at a harlot’s house?
The house of a harlot was probably a good place to avoid
detection—a couple of travelers entering such a house would
probably not solicit much suspicion. The spies, seeking secrecy
figured a house of prostitution would be a good place to find it.

Also, Rahab’s house was situated on the city wall (Joshua 2:15),
providing an escape route. As it turned out, the spies’ choice of a
hiding place was God-ordained.
In her conversation with the spies, Rahab declared her faith,
saying, “The LORD your God is God in heaven above and on the
earth below” (Joshua 2:11).

Rahab’s name would later be mentioned in three important places
in the New Testament. First, Matthew 1:5 mentions her as the
mother of Boaz, making her the great-great-grandmother of King
David. More importantly, Rahab was a direct ancestor of Jesus
Rahab is mentioned in the “hall of faith” of Hebrews 11. Verse 31
notes, “By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the
spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient.”
There is hope in the house of a Harlot

Rahab’s actions are mentioned in James 2:25–26 as an example
of true, living faith: “Was not even Rahab the prostitute
considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to
the spies and sent them off in a different direction? As the body
without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.” Her
actions saved lives and revealed her heart of faith. Despite her
background, her faith and actions worked together to reveal her
as a woman who believed in God.
Rahab’s example helps us still today. No matter our past, God
asks us to believe in Him and live out our faith through action.
When we do, God can use us in powerful ways to change lives
both now and for eternity.

I want you to know the devil is terrified that you have the potential
to actually believe in Gods promise for you to possess the land.
You have a preferred destiny for God to prosper you in a land
flowing with milk and honey.
You are poised to possess the Land!!! What are we waiting on?
The devil is terrified of the forceful advance of not just the
church but of this church
He is trying to inflict fear in the faithful so you fall on your
After the recon, the spies came back with a good report. They are
I am telling you right now the Southshore is ripe and ready for the
regenerating power of Jesus. Ears are ready to hear if we have
something worth listening to.
Every member is a minister. The Bible makes it clear that Jesus’
mission is “to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10 NIV).
Second Peter 3:9 says that God “does not want anyone to be
lost” (NCV). That means you’ll never look at anyone whom God
doesn’t want to save. No one is too bad. No one is too forgotten.
No one is too far from God. If God wants every person to be
saved, we should, too.

God is bound to our success by his word!
Joshua 2:13 (NIV)  The spies said, what can we do for you and
Rahab said “…that you will spare the lives of my father and
mother, my brothers and sisters, and all who belong to them—and
that you will save us from death.”
IF God asked you, “What do you want?”


I’m telling you right now the harvest is so ripe they are falling off
the trees. They have been ripe so long that they are dying waiting.
I think many are more ready to be saved that we are ready. I think
people are itching to get into a real church filled with love.
Can you hear Bridgewater crying SAVE ME!!!!
bind this line of scarlet cord ("scarlet thread of redemption,)
…’ ‘According to your words, so be it…’ ‘Truly the LORD has
delivered all the land into our hands’”
Jesus has bound himself to us. I will go as far as saying God has
bound himself to Bridgewater! EVERYBODY!
We are not just here for Impact but for every place our feet goes. I
know we have other pastors in the city. We are here to present a
living Jesus to a dying world. We are his representatives. His
ambassadors. We are to declare from every fibre of our being that
Jesus is not dead! Jesus is committed to his church
Joshua 6:23  “And the young men who had been spies went in
and brought out Rahab, her father, her mother, her brothers, and
all that she had.
The walls of Jericho were so wide they would have chariot races.
They cross the Jordon at flood stage when they could have
waited a couple months when it was a stream.
Everything crumbled around her as the walls of Jericho fell except
her house.
Members are ministers created for miracles!!!!
Ephesians 1:7  In Him we have redemption through His blood,
the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.

Have faith in the scarlot blood line and you and the fam will be
We were dead, doomed and dominated with the decay of sin.
HE Made Us Alive – Raised Us Up – Seated Us With Him
Two Primary Results of Recon:
1.Confidence God is faithful to His promise. He has given you
the land. My confidence is in Christ!
Hebrews 10:35 “Do not throw away your confidence for it will be
richly rewarded.
Has your confidence in Christ ever been compromised?
Turn to your neighbor and say, “My confidence is coming back”
How many would agree that a Crisis Can Cripple your
How many of you would also agree that in spite of it all that Christ
Conquers Crisis through Confidence, Christ can conquer your
crisis through confidence!  Why? I can do all things through
Christ that strengthens me!
I am confident that the enemy is conquered!!!! Your enemy,
the thief is toothless ,terrified and terminal
Andrew Womack “Many Christians are the very instrument
the devil is using to foster the deception that he is still a
powerful foe. “Spiritual warfare” is one of the hottest topics
in the church today. People are expending great amounts of
energy constantly battling the devil in ways contrary to
Scripture, but in reality, Satan has already been defeated. We
don’t need to defeat him again. “
The only power he has is the power to deceive. Our battle should
be against the (trickery) of the devil (Eph. 6:11), not the devil

Any other approach is actually giving the devil authority and
power which he doesn’t have, and he uses that to intimidate us.
Colossians 2:15 says, “And having spoiled principalities and
powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them
in it.”
The archaic meaning of the word “spoiled” here is “to plunder;
despoil” (American Heritage Dictionary). This means that after
Jesus defeated Satan, He stripped him of everything he had,
specifically the keys of death and hell (Rev. 1:18). Satan has no
power to imprison anyone. He is the master of deception.
The Greek word that was translated “shew” in this verse (Col
2:15) is “deigmatizo” which means “to exhibit” (Strong). This
comes from the root word “deigma” which means “a specimen (as
shown)” Made a public display-spectacle.
Satan is like one of those bugs we had to capture for biology
class. We caught it and then impaled it on a board with a little pin
to exhibit it.
The Greek word that was translated “triumphing over” in
Colossians 2:15 is especially significant. It means “to make
an acclamatory procession” This is specifically referring to the
way the Romans had a “triumphant procession” after they had
defeated their enemies.
Upon conquering an enemy, the Romans would hold a parade.
They would take the conquered king, strip him naked, and drag
him through the crowd behind the conquering king or commander
for all their subjects to see. He would be humiliated and insulted,
but that’s not all. They would also cut off the thumbs of his hands
and the big toes of both feet. This was to assure the subjects this

enemy would never be a threat to any of them again. He could not
hold a sword and he would never be able to run again.
There was no need to fear him anymore. Any rumor about him
ever challenging Rome again would be scoffed at because the
citizens had seen him in the parade.
The same thing happened to the devil. That’s what this verse is
referring to. Jesus not only beat the devil, but He had a
triumphant procession to display the devil to the universe as a
totally conquered foe. Satan should never terrify us again.
Unfortunately, many Christians have missed the parade. They
haven’t seen God’s triumphant procession that was pictured in
God’s Word where Satan was displayed as a totally defeated foe.”

2.Compassion You will encounter broken lives that need to
experience redemption. You get a burden for the lost when you
walk with the lost. Impact Church is transitioning into a House
of Rescue.
Taking dominion is much easier when you know you have already
Rahab:— Her name means: Liberty, Large Space, Room
A Woman — few social rights
A Canaanite — were wicked people
A Prostitute — She was a Brothel owner
Who became A Believer — “…she bound the scarlet cord…”
How did she become a believer? She had an encounter with a
believer. Faith comes by hearing!

Let’s Make Three Observations:
1. Our History Is Irrelevant : Your background, heritage,
traditions, hiccups and hang ups are not held against you.
No Limit to His Grace. Grace extends all the way until your last
minute on this earth. God is not selective. If He was, most of us
would not qualify. ROMANS 10:13 “Whoever calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved!” There is no time frame, restriction or limit.
EXAMPLE: 2 thieves on the cross: The story of the thief on the
cross is found in the following Bible verses: Matthew 27:38, Luke
23:32-43 and Mark 15:27.

2. His Blood Is Powerful
Power In the Blood — Bind It!!! You are bound to the bloodline.
The blood of Jesus protects from every spell from hell! You are
covered and secure!
3. Our Future Is Secure
Bloodline Of a Champion
Matthew 1:5-6, 16 Salmon was the father of Boaz (whose mother
was Rahab). Boaz was the father of Obed (whose mother was
Ruth). Obed was the father of Jesse. Jesse was the father of King
David. … who was the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary the
mother of Jesus, who is called “the Anointed One.”
She was the great ,great ,great grandmother of Jesus
You are a carrier of the kingdom and a dispenser of heavenly
Hebrews 11:31 Faith provided a way of escape for Rahab the
prostitute, avoiding the destruction of the unbelievers, because
she received the Hebrew spies in peace.

Revelation 1:5-6 {AMP} To Him Who ever loves us and has once
[for all] loosed and freed us from our sins by His own blood,
And formed us (made us) into a kingdom (a royal race), priests to
His God and Father.
What possibilities are waiting to be released in my life if I
would “Bind the Scarlet Cord.”
Who around me awaits healing or recovery if I would only “Bind
The Scarlet Cord.”
As we become aware of our surroundings by not hiding
behind the cross or even wearing a cross but by taking up
my cross daily things change.
I die to my selfish desires so that people can live through my
testimony. I find that I’m no longer afraid of the larger than
life Hollywood devil. The blood has supernatural power and
my future is secure in Jesus. It is through this discovery that
I can possess the promise.