I Can Do All Things

I Can Do All Things
By: Bobby Sullivan

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Phil 4:13

“I tell you the truth, if you have the faith of a mustard seed…nothing will be impossible for you.” Matt 17:20


What things are we doing now that we could not do before?

What is your mind telling your heart that is impossible?

What are you doing today that was impossible for you yesterday?


If you believe that all things are possible….the when was the last time you did it?

What is the distance between impossible and possible?

Marvin Gaye and Tammy Terrell’s sang a song “Ain’t
no mountain high enough to keep me from
getting to you, babe….” 

Mountains have long represented.
Problems to be solved …….
Obstacles to be overcome ……..
Crosses to be carried ……..
Burdens to be borne ………..
Troubles to be triumphed over ……….
Difficulties to be dealt with …….

General Hannibal. You probably remember the story of
this African General by the name of Hannibal crossing
over the Alps and the great mountains  within Italy.

And in this little story, I can remember the pictures of the
elephants and the donkeys and the army of the Africian
Hannibal crossing the Alps to Italy. This was indeed a
great feat of military startegy. In fact, it was one of the greatest acts of military courage in 
human history.

was a story that went along with the various pictures in the

And according to the story it said that Hannibal, when he
got to the Alps with his army and was about to cross over
his army began to rebel. 

The soldiers saw these gigantic mountains before them. 

They saw this incredible barrier in front of them and
they were afraid to move. 

They were ready to turn around and go back home.

But according to the story, Hannibal rallied his troops and
his armies by standing before them pointing toward the
Alps and declaring, “Forward march, we see no
Alps! … We see no mountains!” 

And with these words of encouragement the army of
Hannibal went forth over the mountains and into Italy.

Now it may not always be that easy when we are facing
MOUNTAINS, but the truth of the matter is sometimes
you got to go through life and just declare, “Forward
march, I don’t see no Mountains! 
Forward march, I don’t see that problem. 
Forward march, I don’t see that obstacle. 
Forward march, I don’t see that hardship. 
Forward march, I don’t see that cancer. 
Forward march, I don’t see your cheating. 
Forward march, I don’t see your lying. 

Yes, Faith can change the inner landscape. And if the
inner landscape has been changed, it don’t matter what’s on
the outer horizon.

I love the words to the great song by Joe Darion:
To dream the impossible dream, 
To fight the unbeatable foe,
To bear with unbearable sorrow, 
To run where the brave dare not go.
To reach the unreachable star!
This is my quest, 
To follow that star, 
No matter how hopeless,
No matter how far; 
To fight to right, the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar, 
To try when your arms are too weary,
To run where the brave dare not go.
To reach the unreachable star!
To dream the impossible dream!


IF you had the faith of a mustard seed you can say to the mountain be moved..

If you had ….You may not

You could say…what if you don’t

You can’t do what you don’t have and what can be moved…will not be moved.

Without faith it is impossible to please God

What is so impossible in your mind that God is saying, I want you to do.

That which is impossible with man will be possible with God. We are living in a time in history where skepticism for the church is rampant like rabies but hunger for the authentic, tangible, reality of Christ is eating away at the core of many.

You must look past the opposition, antagonism, difference, obstruction, resistance, excuses and the defiance.

What keeps you from believing..You can do all things?



FOCUS: to many distractions, its complicated PB, circumstances

FRAILTY: to weak, inexperienced,


Characteristics of those who do the impossible: 1 Samuel 17

  • They don’t start off doing the impossible: 14-24
  • They measure the impossible against potential: 15-27

“But David went back and forth  from Saul to feed his fathers sheep at Betlehem.” Forty days each side would work itself up into a frenzy waiting to see who was brave, bold and fearless enough to face the giant. David is listening to all the complaining and thinks, the winner get the kings riches, his daughter and the entire linage will never pay taxes again!

English Proverb “ One of these days is none of these days”

Don Marguis “Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday”

  • They refuse to listen to doubters: 28-33 41-44 How many of you have had question you? Do you have what it takes? I don’t see a champion in you therefore your not! BULL!
  • Not overwhelmed by the odds: 32 “David said to Saul, let no man’s heart fail because of this Philistine; your servant will go and fight him,”
  • They hear from God not man! Vs.33 “Saul said to David, you are not able to go to fight against this Philistine. You are only a adolescent and he has been a warrior since youth.

David Made up his mind long before he put his hand in the bag!

“Some men succeed because they are destined to, but most men because the are determined to.”


“The difference between a successful person is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.”

Vince Lombardi

  • Build on past successes: 34-37
  • They don’t try to be someone else 38-40
  • They face the impossible with a higher purpose 45-47
  • They are passionate to win. Vs 48 “David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the Philistines.”
  • They desire to help others do the impossible 49-52

What do we need to do the impossible?

  • The stone of God’s sovereignty:

Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by our great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you to do.  Jere. 32:17


  • The Stone of God’s security: David believed what he said

“I pray that you will begin to understand how incredibly great His power is to help those who believe him…the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead.” Eph 1:20 LB


  • The stone of God’s strength: Let us not grow weary in well doing. “The Lord is the everlasting God…He never grows weary…He strengthens those who are weak and tired. Those who trust the Lord for help will find their strength renewed.”

Isa 40:28-31


  • The Stone of God’s serenity: Peace in the midst of a storm

Psalm 16:8-9 “ I am always aware of the Lord’s presence. HE IS NEAR and nothing can shake me. I’m so thankful and glad, and I feel completely secure.”


  • The Stone of God’s shield: God always goes before you.

Isah 43: 2

When you go through the deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through the rivers of difficulty, you will not drown, When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you..don’t be afraid for I am with you.”


“start by doing the necessary, then the possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible” St. Francis of Assisi

I Can Do All Things, PowerPoint Slides, PDF

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